Diandzhela Mateeva

Bericht geplaatst door:
Diandzhela Mateeva
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15-02-2024 / 203 x bekeken
Onkostenvergoeding (bv reisvergoeding) , 18-30 , 30-50 , Vrouw , Man
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Actors wanted for main roles for a short XR production

Logline: An unexperienced newbie interning for a renowned paranormal researcher fails to notice impending disaster as he struggles to set up equipment to capture a summoning.

Genre: Mystery/ Thriller
Length: 2-3 minutes
Shooting days: 3
Language: English (native speakers)



Gender: Female 

Age: 30 – 40 (early 30s preferable) 

Appearance: On the taller side (160 – 170cm), slim figure, dark hair (preferably shorter, bangs), a slight fanaticism in the eyes. Even though she’s approaching 40, people tend to estimate her to be in her late 20s. 

Description: She is highly intelligent and driven, though there is something slightly off about her – she has been consumed by her work (research into the field of the supernatural) to a financial degree: she isn’t exactly malicious, but her moral compass has been entirely overtaken by her research. She is manipulative in a way, but her genuine enthusiasm is genuinely infectious. She is also quite attractive, though she herself only takes a siren level interest in romantic relationships. 

Quote: “I’m sorry it had to be this way Gary, you’re a sweetie – but, keep in mind, you’re part of something so much greater than yourself! Ta-ta!” 

Gender: Male 

Age: 23 - 27 

Appearance: Average to slightly below average height, (170 – 180cm), somewhat scrawny or possibly pudgy, not especially muscular. Greenhorn – unexperienced, somewhat unsure of himself, but not a complete goober. 

Description: Unexperienced, nervous, though eager to learn – a bit taken aback by Sharon, experiencing a subtle crush. Partially serves as the audience insert – think Morty from Rick and Morty, in that he is going along with whatever Sharon says, though he’s struggling to keep up. There is a clumsiness to him, but it’s partially because of the nerves he feels working with the renowned expert that is Sharon.

Quote: “Uh, yeah, sure… hey, how do I turn this one on, again?” 


Wat bieden wij?
This project will make use of advanced virtual production tools, particularly incorporating an Extended Reality (XR) stage, a technology that's becoming the norm in high-level productions. We're offering a valuable chance to enhance actors’ portfolios with an immersive XR stage experience. As a bonus, we provide a pleasant shooting experience. Naturally we cover transportation expenses and food.

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